Beekeeping in Italy: the right time to start and how to choose bees

Beekeeping is an ancient and fascinating activity that plays a fundamental role in the ecosystem. Not only does it provide valuable products such as honey, propolis, pollen and royal jelly, but it is also essential for the survival of numerous plant species thanks to pollination. In Italy, beekeeping is a widespread and appreciated practice, and for those who want to start a beekeeping business, it is important to know when to start and how to choose the most suitable bees. In this article, we'll walk you through the best times of the year to buy queen bees and nucleus, the types of bees to consider, and the first steps to take.
When to start beekeeping in Italy
The best time to start beekeeping in Italy varies according to climatic conditions and different regions. However, in general, spring is considered to be the ideal time to start a beekeeping business. In particular, the months of April and May are the most suitable for purchasing queen bees and cores.
During spring, bee colonies are in the growth stage and plants begin to flower, providing abundant nectar and pollen. Furthermore, the mild temperatures favor the activity of the bees and allow the beekeeper to work more easily.
Purchase queen bees and cores
To start a beekeeping business, you need to obtain queen bees and cores. The queen is the fundamental bee for the colony, as she is responsible for laying eggs and producing new bees.
The nucleus is a small group of worker bees and a queen that can easily be moved into a hive to establish a new colony. It is important to purchase queen bees and cores from reliable and certified producers who guarantee the health and quality of the bees. Furthermore, it is advisable to make the purchase during the spring, when the bees are more active and ready to develop the colony.
Types of bees to buy
In Italy, there are different breeds of bees, but the most common are Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica. The Apis mellifera ligustica, also known as the Italian bee, is native to the central regions of Italy and is appreciated for its meekness, prolificacy and ability to accumulate nectar.
Apis mellifera carnica, on the other hand, comes from the Alpine and Balkan regions and is appreciated for its resistance to disease and its ability to adapt to different climatic conditions. Both breeds are suitable for beekeeping in Italy, but it is important to evaluate the specific needs of the beekeeper and the environmental conditions of the area in which you intend to start the business.
In general, Apis mellifera ligustica is recommended for southern and central regions, while Apis mellifera carnica is more suitable for northern and mountainous regions.
The first steps to take
1. Training
Before starting a beekeeping business, it is essential to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about beekeeping. Attending courses, reading specialized books and magazines, and participating in seminars and conferences are effective ways to learn hive management techniques and bee biology.
2. Preparation of the land and the hives
once the necessary skills have been acquired, it is important to choose a suitable place to place the hives, preferably in an area full of blooms and far from sources of pollution. Next, you need to get good quality hives and basic equipment like overalls, gloves, fumigator and smoker.
3. Purchase of bees
As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to purchase queen bees and cores from reputable and certified producers during the spring. It is important to monitor the health of the bees and follow the regulations in force regarding traceability and animal welfare.
4. Activity recording
To start a beekeeping business, you must register with the National Register of Beekeepers and obtain a hive identification number. In addition, it is important to inform yourself about local and national regulations regarding beekeeping and beehive products.
5. Planning and monitoring
Beekeeping requires careful planning of seasonal activities and constant monitoring of colonies. It is important to keep a record of the observations and operations carried out on the hives to evaluate the health of the bees and optimize the management of the activity.
Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding activity that can offer numerous benefits both personally and environmentally. Starting a beekeeping business in Italy requires knowledge, planning and dedication, but it can lead to satisfactory results and contribute to the conservation of bees and biodiversity. Remember, spring is the perfect time to buy queen bees and cores, and choosing the breed of bee that best suits your needs and the area you wish to set up your business in is critical to long-term success.