Bees, wasps and flies: let's learn to distinguish them

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bees are wonderful creatures, their role within our planet is truly irreplaceable. They, like other pollinating insects , contribute to the exchange of pollen in flowers and plants that are thus able to reproduce and provide food for all of us living beings.

But how do you distinguish a bee ? Although it may seem obvious, recognizing a bee from another insect can actually appear difficult due to the very pronounced similarities in color and appearance between the various species. Let's analyze the topic better.

Characteristics of bees

The best known bees are certainly the honey bees or the Apis Mellifera species. But bees are not only insects that produce honey but also many other categories that belong to the super family Apoidea .

Among the characteristics of a bee we certainly find an interesting element: their body is covered with hair. This particularity gives them a matte and not shiny appearance. The presence of hair and bristles can be linked to an evolutionary factor. Bees feed on pollen and nectar, the hair on the body in this case becomes really beneficial. In fact, during the collection of pollen, the hairs easily trap the substance from plants and flowers, a bit as if the body were a brush. Precisely for this reason, compared to other pollinating insects, their work is much more efficient and intense. Once the pollen has been collected, the bees can carry it through small balls attached to the legs. The work of a bee is truly irreplaceable.

The main characteristics of a bee are the following:

  • Presence of two antennas ;
  • Possession of four wings ;
  • Six legs ;
  • A sting (excluding drones).

These are the only common elements, the same for all bees, as regards other factors instead such as dimensions, shapes and colors, in this case they are extremely variable. Also as regards the habits there are different bees. It is possible to find large swarms or groups but also solitary bees that survive autonomously.

How many species of bees are there?

There are many different species of bees present all over the world unlike the colder areas of the Earth such as Antarctica which does not offer favorable conditions for their settlement. In addition to this exception, it is possible to find the presence of bees in every area of ​​the globe. If you are wondering how many species of bees exist, the answer is: about 20,000! Really a lot!

Wasps and Hornets

Distinguishing a wasp from a bee is possible above all thanks to behavioral clues. Bees can be defined as vegetarian insects as they feed exclusively on nectar and pollen or other proteins of plant origin. As for the wasps, on the other hand, they also feed on animal proteins and could therefore also be attracted to our food on the table. If during an outdoor lunch you notice striped insects approaching your food such as meat or fish, it will certainly be wasps and not bees.

Even in the case of wasps, there are many different species, some harmless, others really dangerous for both bees and humans. Among these in Italy we can find the European hornet called Vespa crabro present throughout the national territory, but also the very dangerous Asian hornet or Vespa velutina reported by beekeepers in various regions of north-western Italy. Wasps generally do not have any body hair which appears much brighter and more vividly colored.

Flies and other insects

As far as flies are concerned, unlike bees and wasps, they do not belong to the order of the Hymenoptera, but to that of the Diptera. Some species of flies have striking similarities to bees, especially in terms of body shape and colors. The main difference is that flies have no sting, they have very short antennae and very large eyes. Another difference is in the wings, flies have only two and not four. For this reason, they also produce a distinctly different buzz.

Importance of bees in the ecosystem

The role of bees within the ecosystem is truly essential. These beautiful animals contribute not only to maintaining balance and biodiversity but also to the sustenance of us human beings. About a third of the world's food available depends on the work of bees.

Bees and pollination: an essential element for the planet

Given the enormous importance of the work done by bees, it is vital to learn how to protect them and ensure that they do not disappear. In fact, in recent years there has been an impressive decline in the number of bees present on the planet. These are data that are of great concern to biologists around the world. Pollination is an inimitable process, essential for the survival of our Earth. For this reason, numerous interventions have been implemented on this issue, such as the reduction of herbicides or chemical elements used in agriculture that weaken bees. Intensive agriculture combined with the use of aggressive agents has created an increasingly unfavorable environment for bees which, in view of this, have suffered damage.

Are you a beekeeper? Buy queen bees directly online!

If you are a beekeeper and you need queen bees , cores , bee packs or swarms , you can buy directly online! Apicoltura Laterza sends its bees through professional and fast methods throughout Italy but also throughout Europe! Buy now! You can check the availability of api in real time by clicking here.

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