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At the expense of what you may think honey is not limited only to the function of natural sweetener, it is an excellent decongestant and calming for the respiratory tract and it is also used by athletes because it increases muscle endurance. It has cardiopathic functions, it detoxifies the liver and protect the stomach. It also has antitumor and antimetastic functions..

In short, it’s a real wealth, that’s why we want to offer the BEST of our products, proudly MADE IN ITALY.

Our company supplies a wide range of honey:

  • Citrus Honey
  • Thyme Honey
  • Cherry Honey
  • Eucalyptus honey
  • Clover Honey
  • Spring Wildflower Honey
  • Summer Wildflower Honey


After the bees have stored and operculated the honey in the honeycombs, the extraction process begins, which includes 8 steps:

  1. REMOVAL OF SHALLOW BOXES (contained within the honeycombs);
  2. UNCAPPING (operation that allows you to "open" the cells closed by the honeycombs);
  3. HONEYING (the frames are placed in the honey extractor, which allows the honey to come out thanks to the centrifugal force);
  4. FILTERING (the honey is conveyed to the ripeners which "collect", through the filters, the residual wax, the remains of bees and any other residue);
  5. DECANTATION (operation that allows you to release not only the additional residues, but also the air incorporated into the honey);
  6. POTTING (honey is placed in jars);
  7. CRYSTALLIZATION (a natural process that allows honey to take on its homogeneous creamy consistency);
  8. Storage

The production and marketing of honey is regulated by the Legislative Decree 179/2004.

We would like to point out that pursuant to European Regulation 2377/90, there are no limits on the use of antibiotics in honeys and royal jelly, however, our production DOES NOT include their use as it is not in line with our work ethic.

This is also possible due to the presence of our BUCKFAST QUEEN BEES as they have strong resistance to mite parasites.

Historical background

Honey takes part in the world society since Ancient Egypt where it was used for medical, cosmetic and nutritional purposes. The Babylonians made culinary use of it. The Hammurabi Code features articles that protected beekeepers from honey theft. For the Greeks it was considered sacred. They used it in rites that included votive offerings to the Gods. The philosopher Pythagoras described it as an Elixir for long life and the Ancient Romans used it as a sweetener for the production of beer, mead and as a food preservative.

Nowdays it has been replaced with industrially refined sugar, but anyone who consumes honey is aware of its richness, and for this reason our team makes every effort to offer you the best quality

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