Ligustica queen bee: an all-Italian excellence

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The ligustica queen bee has been the favorite bee within Italian farms for years.

Being a species born and developed in Italy, it is particularly predisposed to adaptation to our climates and native environment. It is a type of bee with a long history. The ligustica bee managed to survive the glaciations era and subsequently adapted to the warmer climates of our peninsula.

Apis mellifera ligustica or Italian bee

The ligustic bees descend directly from the family of the honey bees or the category Apis Mellifera . As for the ligustica species, it is one of the most widespread types of bees in the world and despite this, the alarm has often been raised about its possible extinction over the years. It is strange to think that one of the most present types in the world could be endangered but in reality for a period many biologists have reported a considerable concern for bees all over the world. The thought towards the risk of extinction of bees was then slowly removed through targeted interventions towards the problem. Some useful actions such as the forced limitation of some herbicides, has slowly given some results. In particular, it was necessary to take action against the use of certain harmful insecticides, including imidacloprid, a product based on chemical components similar to nicotine. Thanks to the many initiatives introduced, bees are having a slow but profitable recovery in many geographical areas. Protecting the Italian bee and all bees in general is an increasingly important priority for our planet.

The choice of beekeepers: best bee for farms

From the point of view of productivity, Italian bees have proven to be really hardworking Ligustica possesses this characteristic in an innate way and is defined as the best bee for beekeeping .

Features and how to recognize it

The ligustica bee is easily recognizable from other existing species. It is characterized by much lighter colors and yellow-orange shades. The various light yellow segments of the abdomen are very distinguishable with the presence of a dense short hair of similar color. The ligustician queens , compared to the worker bees , tend to develop more coppery or golden colors. As for the length of its body , it has a variable size which however is around 6 mm.

Resistance to temperatures

The Italian bee has developed a high resistance to temperatures . Thanks to the development within the Italian territory, the bee has adapted to the warmer climates but also to the colder ones typical of the higher latitudes in the northern areas. The only climatic conditions in which the ligustica bee is less resistant are those in which there is substantial humidity.

The species has also developed good resistance to diseases , to pathogens and parasites that can often infest the entire brood. With the ligustica species , obviously raised in good conditions, this situation occurs very rarely compared to other types of bees .

Selection of ligustic bees: this is how we operate

Ligustic bees possess numerous facilitating characteristics for beekeepers , nevertheless, we operate through a careful selection of our bees in order to eliminate any possible penalizing behavior.

The selected ligustic bees of Apicoltura Laterza are an excellence in the beekeeping sector. Our bees have all the most sought after genetic characteristics, including:

  • Excellent adaptation and resistance even to intensive farming;
  • Good predisposition to brood breeding;
  • The high egg production;
  • Adaptability to climates and environments;
  • Ability to maintain highly populated colonies;
  • Very little tendency to swarm;
  • Docility and productivity.

Production of ligustic bees and Buckfast

We specialize in the production of ligustic queen bees and Buckfast queen bees . Apicoltura Laterza has been dealing with this sector for years. Our experience allows us to offer a product of the highest quality and productivity for your beekeeping .

When you buy from us, we are available to provide you with any information or advice on the operations to be carried out at the farm. When buying a virgin or fertile queen, for example, it is important that you know how to insert it correctly within the swarm. In the case of virgin queen bee , it is important that it is correctly accepted by the family and then proceeds with mating with the drones. Inserting a virgin queen bee into an orphaned swarm is certainly the most delicate operation of the whole process. To simplify the acceptance by the swarm of the new queen, it is advisable to choose a brood that counts the presence of a few individuals. This condition will allow the new queen Ligustica to be recognized more easily. The pheromone of the newcomer can therefore influence the workers who will remove the real cells already built as they are considered superfluous.

In the case of a fertile queen bee , acceptance by the family will be much less complex.

Queen bees sale and express shipping

Apicoltura Laterza provides for the production and sale of virgin and fertile queen bees, swarms, nuclei, parcels and bee families . We ship throughout the Italian territory but also throughout Europe. Our bees are a sought-after product. We will provide you with a bee health certificate along with each of your orders. The shipment takes place through professional means that guarantee the animals to maintain an optimal state of health. To buy api online, just visit our section Queen bees and select the desired product and the date of receipt.

If you need further information you can always contact us by accessing our section Contacts .

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