Queen Bee Breeding - Apicoltura Laterza

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Production and sale of Buckfast and Ligustica queen bees: useful information

Apicoltura Laterza has been involved for years in the production and sale of both virgin and fertile Buckfast queen bees and Ligustiche queen bees . We are professional beekeepers with a wealth of experience and reliability. We have been breeding queen bees for over 36 years.

Here you will find only selected queen bees of the highest quality with the best genetic characteristics. We are direct resellers and do not supply ourselves from third parties.

Here is some information and details about our products.

celle reali

Royal cells and production of virgin queen bees

The production of quality real cells is the first condition for obtaining a good product. We take the real cells directly from our apiary and subsequently, we transfer the cells to special incubators that allow an optimal maturation of the cell and the development of the larva.

The cells remain in the incubator until the day before the young queen's birth. We breed virgin queen bees of the Buckfast breed and of the Ligustica breed of the highest quality.

The new queens will be able to be introduced in the nuclei within the first four days of birth.

Production of Buckfast and Ligustiche fertile queen bees

For the production of fertile queen bees we pay close attention to the choice of fertilization sites. For fertilization, the mature royal cell must be transferred to special families, generically referred to as fertilization nuclei.

We produce fertile queen bees of both Buckfast and Ligustica breeds.

allevamento api regine

Careful selection of queen bees

We select our queen bees by identifying the best and most efficient hives. Through selection we maximize the productivity level of bees, trying to transfer better mechanisms and behaviors to future generations of bees.

The queen bees raised by Laterza beekeeping possess the most sought after characteristics in beekeeping, such as:

  • Excellent honey productivity;
  • Strong compactness of the brood;
  • High resistance to diseases and parasites;
  • Good sealing of the honeycomb;
  • Docility and industriousness;
  • Low propensity to swarm;
  • Winter stock storage.

Buckfast and Ligustiche bees of certified breed

Every year, we certify our bees through careful analysis by the competent bodies. Our queen bees have obtained the morphological recognition of the Apis mellifera ligustica breed.

Useful tips for accepting queens

The introduction of the virgin or already fertilized queen bee must be carried out in a swarm of orphaned bees. Here are some tips for a correct introduction and acceptance of queen bees:

  1. Queen bee introduction and waiting times : The queen bee can last a few days in its cage but waiting is counterproductive. It is advisable to proceed with the inclusion of the queen bee in the new family as soon as possible, upon arrival of the product.
  2. Queen insertion and acceptance : once the queen with her cage has been inserted into the hive, wait a week or even ten days without interfering, then check the deposition. In the acceptance phase it is advisable not to disturb the bees in order to facilitate the process.
  3. Position of the cage : Insert the cage containing the queen bee in the middle of two frames of well-populated brood.
  4. Placing the queen in an orphaned family : When placing a queen in a swarm, make sure there is no queen already present. The swarm must be orphaned for the new queen to be accepted.
  5. Do not place the queen in a fucaiola family : We advise against placing the new queen bee in a fucaiola family as acceptance in these cases tends not to be successful.

If once you have received the product, you need to wait (so you will have to keep your queen bee in a cage for a few days), make sure you respect these prerogatives, it is important that:

  • The temperature is at least 20 ° C;
  • The candied fruit is replenished as it is consumed;
  • the humidity in the air remains at the right levels. You can put a cloth moistened with water near the cage because the humidity will allow the bees to dissolve the candied fruit and feed.

Buy queen bees directly online

Are you interested in buying Buckfast or Ligustiche queen bees ? Apicoltura Laterza ships throughout Italy and throughout Europe through Express and professional shipments!

Find out more about our products and order your bees now!


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