Queen bees and royal jelly

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"Royal jelly" why does it have this name?

Rich in vitamins and nutrients of all kinds, royal jelly is a precious food available only and exclusively for queen bees , hence the word "royal".

The "baby food" is a real mix of substances for growth and is a super-nutrient for bees. Not surprisingly, the queens who use it grow stronger and larger than all other bees.

The baby food is given to the queens already during the larval stage.

Sovereign of the entire hive, the queen bees are fed in a completely different way than their peers throughout their life. When they stop being fed, towards the final stage of their role, their abdomen shrinks significantly and their physical strength decreases.

How royal jelly is made

Royal jelly is one of the most precious and concentrated substances in existence. It is produced directly by bees through the glands on their heads. Both the worker bees and the nurse bees take care of the production of this particular substance but later, only the nurses, as can be deduced from the name, will then take care of the administration of royal jelly to the larvae and to the future queen. </ P >

The composition of royal jelly varies slightly according to the administration and age of the queen. The nurse bees deal with the processing of this substance very efficiently. It is therefore possible to notice a different composition based on the royal jelly intended for the larvae and the one to be administered to the queen in the more adult phase.

Royal jelly looks like a whitish substance with slight yellowish tones. Its consistency is similar to gelatin and it is obviously a 100% natural element.

As for its composition, we can say that it contains numerous nutrients including vitamins, minerals and proteins. Inside there is also a significant amount of sugars, glucose and water.

Its flavor meets two different shades ranging from sour to sweet.

Using royal jelly

Royal jelly is an element also widely used by man for its beneficial properties and for the elements it is made of. It contains essential fatty acids and amino acids for humans.

Its uses vary a lot and have been found stimulating and invigorating effects, but also purifying, especially as regards cholesterol. Royal jelly is in fact able to reduce the cholesterol levels present in the body and this is just one of the countless beneficial effects for which it is used.

Royal jelly is usually taken on an empty stomach, preferably at the beginning of the day. Just one gram a day is enough and its use is extended to adults but also to children and the elderly.

In addition to being eaten as a food in small daily doses, royal jelly is also highly sought after in the cosmetics sector for the production of creams and products that stimulate cells to regenerate. Many royal jelly products are used as skin and hair nutrients against sun damage.

Queen bees and food

During the first moments of life, the larvae are all fed the same way. In the first three or four days royal jelly is administered to all existing larvae, equally and equally for each one. After the first few days, however, the situation changes.

In fact, after a short time, only the larvae found in royal cells are entitled to royal jelly. This selection is in fact already premeditated. In the royal cells are the larvae that have been selected to become future queens. Only and only the latter will have the privilege of being fed with better food throughout their life and this will lead them to grow in a completely different way.

Effects of royal jelly on queen bees

As we can see, queen bees grow quite differently from worker bees. Their body is easily recognizable thanks to their higher dimensions. The greatest growth compared to other bees is given by a single factor which is their source of nourishment.

Royal jelly is able to have surprising effects on the bees that eat it. Obviously in the world of bees, this privilege is granted only to the queen, who, not surprisingly, will be the only one who can develop the ability to be fertile.

The queen bees develop a stinger that is different from the other bees in the hive and are in fact the only ones that can lay eggs.

Their sting is distinguishable both in form and in use. That of the queen bees is smooth and allows you to procreate the species through the laying of the eggs, while the sting of the other bees is serrated and is used only as a defense tool in case of attack.

Sale of Buckfast and Ligustiche queens

Are you a beekeeper? Do you need queen bees for your farm?

Choose Apicoltura Laterza! We have specialized for years in the production of Buckfast and Ligustiche queens.

You can buy your bees directly Online by selecting the characteristics of what you are looking for directly from our section Queen Bees . We deal with the sale of virgin and fertile queen bees and we ship throughout Italy but also throughout Europe quickly and safely.

Do you need more information? You can find all contact details in our section Contacts .

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