Regional contributions for beekeeping 2021

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Beekeeping has become one of the most important sectors to be protected. In this regard, there are many initiatives by associations, activities and institutes. In the year 2021, the regional institutions also committed themselves to providing concrete support to beekeepers and their farms. As we will see, it has been possible to participate in numerous calls for apiculture 2021 which have opened the doors to various intervention actions. Let's see together the list of Italian regions that have provided valuable contributions for this sector in the current year.

Funding to support beekeeping: the key regions

Beekeeping is a sector that has suffered numerous losses in recent years. It is advisable to intervene promptly to allow a profitable recovery and to protect not only beekeepers but also bees, which are a precious element for our planet and for our survival. The regions that offered the opportunity to take advantage of non-repayable grants for the beekeeping sector in the year 2021 are:

  • Emilia Romagna Region
  • Trentino Region
  • Piedmont Region
  • Tuscany Region
  • Abruzzo Region
  • Lazio Region
  • Campania Region
  • Basilicata Region

Emilia Romagna - the program to support the beekeeping sector

As regards the Emilia Romagna region , it has allocated a large part of the funds for technical assistance and technical support interventions. We are talking about an amount of about 316 thousand euros in support of beekeeping which also includes the contributions for the purchase of equipment for the management of apiaries and for the processing, packaging and conservation of 'beehive (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and beeswax).

Trentino Region

Il Tentino Alto Adige has made available a series of non-repayable contributions able to cover up to a maximum of 60% the expenses related to:

  • Equipment for processing, packaging and storage of beekeeping products;
  • Purchase of machines, equipment and various specific materials for the exercise of nomadism;
  • Various Equipment;
  • Purchase of swarms, cores, packs of bees and queen bees;
  • Purchase of material for running the breeding beekeeping company.

For each type of expenditure, maximum admissible limits have been established.

Call for beekeeping 2021/2022 Piedmont region

In addition to the interventions implemented during the year 2021, the Piedmont region has already opened its doors to new contributions for the year 2021 / 2022.

The new regional call for apiculture in the Piedmont region covers the period 1 August 2021 - 31 July 2022 and provides funding from the European Union and of the State for contributions in favor of beekeeping companies. Individual or associated beekeepers with registered offices in Piedmont who have at least 52 hives can access the contributions. Among the permitted purchases, those of equipment for processing, packaging and storage of beekeeping products and specific machines, equipment and materials for nomadism including hives.

Region of Tuscany and Abruzzo

The Tuscany region has instituted a tender aimed at improving the marketing of Tuscan honey throughout the Italian territory. In this case, the application form was reserved exclusively for beekeepers with a VAT number who practice nomadism. Materials and equipment were covered up to 50% of the cost.

The Abruzzo region has also allocated part of its funds to measure C interventions, that is, relating to the rationalization of transhumance for nomadic beekeepers . The region has also taken care of providing for the great problem of depopulation by favoring the purchase of swarms, cores and parcels covering the cost of up to 60%.

Lazio: intervention measures 2021

The Lazio region has foreseen three intervention measures for the year 2021:

  • MEASURE A: technical assistance and refresher courses for beekeepers. This is an important measure to increase the success of beekeeping thanks to the knowledge of new methods and equipment.
  • MEASURE C: also in this case we refer to the purchase of hives, machines, equipment and various materials for the exercise of nomadism.
  • MEASURE E: this measure refers to all those expenses related to restocking of the hives.


The Campania region has worked hard to implement interventions related to combating the proliferation of diseases and to maintain strict control of the spread of varroasis as well as expenses related to nomadism and targeted interventions to counter depopulation . Keeping the arrival of predators under control and fighting diseases and parasites are essential elements to ensure a valid recovery of the sector.

Funding for apiculture in the Basilicata region

Basilicata has provided concrete help to the beekeeping sector by making funds available not only for interventions concerning the purchase of material and production equipment but also regarding safety. Among the eligible expenses, in fact, we find those relating to the remote management of hives through modern tools for the control of colonies integrated by efficient antitheft systems for hives.

Purchase queen bees, cores and bee packs

Are you a beekeeper and need to buy queen bees in packs or swarms for your farm? Choose Apicoltura Laterza! View the availability of our products by accessing the page: Availability in real time and buy directly online!

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