Sedentary beekeeping: how to choose the right place

To obtain good results and for the health of bees, the positioning of the apiary is very important
The choice of the right place to place the hives in beekeeping is an important factor that will have a strong influence on the quality and quantity of the final honey production.
Choosing the perfect place to practice beekeeping must take into account some important factors. Among these, for example, the presence of plant species useful for bees and the distance from sources of pollution.
In the case of sedentary beekeeping and non-nomadic, beekeepers choose a fixed location in which to settle and start their own apiary. Since the place where the colonies are located will remain fixed, it is very important to choose the most suitable position to favor the development of bees .
When bees are in a comfortable environment, their level of health increases, they become stronger and more productive and beekeepers are able to work with less difficulty.
The place chosen to place the apiary must necessarily be protected from strong winds and must not be in too humid places. Unfavorable weather conditions can damage hives and make it difficult for colonies to survive.
Here are some tips on where to place the apiary, in which direction to orient the hives and other useful tips for developing swarms.
Factors to consider when placing hives
There are many factors to consider when choosing where to place hives in beekeeping. This includes having a sufficient number of flowers, trees and other plants that produce pollen and nectar.
Choose your location carefully based on the type of plants present in the area and their flowering period; this will determine the amount of nectar available to the bees and consequently will also affect the amount of honey produced.
Another aspect to consider when choosing the place to place hives in beekeeping is the presence of predators in the area. Among the predators are bears, hawks and badgers, which feed on bees and their honey if they can reach them. If these predators are common in your area, you may want to consider building your apiary in more remote areas that are less exposed to predator risk.
Having enough nectar plants will allow the bees to have enough food sources nearby. It is important that bees do not make long and exhausting journeys to carry food. Foraging bees will collect more pollen if the food source is closer.
When choosing the ideal place to place the hives, choose places that offer shelter to bees through the presence of shrubs and trees. The presence of trees guarantees the bees shelter from winds, rains but also from the strong summer sun.
In which direction should the hives be oriented
Hives usually face south or south-east. It is important to identify the cardinal points correctly in order to position the entrance to the hives in the most suitable position. This will allow the bees to take full advantage of the sunlight during the day and be more productive.
To help the bees find their way around and get back into the right hive, we recommend that you opt for a semi-circular or "horseshoe-shaped" arrangement of the hives.
Availability of nectar and water sources
Bees are pollinating insects and visit a huge number of flowers and plants every day. We advise you to choose a location full of plants and melliferous flowers useful for bees.
Among the most important nectar plants for beekeeping are those from which honey bees collect nectar and pollen. The "bee-friendly" plants are mainly species such as: Facelia, Calendula, Vetch, Clover, Alfalfa, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Parsnip, Dill, Borage, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Sulla, Sunflower, Mallow and many more. !
Another very important factor is the presence of water in the surroundings. It is absolutely necessary that bees have sufficient water sources available near the apiary. In the event of a lack of water, beekeepers artificially provide for the insertion of specific drinkers for bees.
Distance from busy areas
It is very important that the apiary is positioned away from busy or polluted areas. Always prefer peripheral areas, away from smog and car exhaust fumes. In the long run, these substances can seriously threaten the survival of bees.
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