The rules of a good beekeeper

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What is life like for a beekeeper? The dedication to bees and the entire sector are elements that require a truly demanding lifestyle. As we all know, working in the beekeeping sector is an activity that requires patience and a lot of experience.

The first thing a good beekeeper treasures is certainly a good knowledge background. Being properly prepared on bee biology , on swarm behaviors and on the life of these beings in general is the first step to getting started. Here are some important elements that should never be overlooked.

Queen bees: the key element

The survival but also the productivity of a swarm undoubtedly depends on the activity of the queen bee . Being at the center of the life of a hive , the queen deserves the highest control priority within the herd. In the animal world, the queen bee plays a dominant role. In fact, the controls relating to its egg productivity are very important, which allows the turnover of bees and the numerical strength of the colonies .

Check bee families and nucs

It is always advisable to check the health status of bee families . In this regard, we would like to underline how very often the onset of certain diseases is linked to controllable factors such as food stress that weakens bees. In fact, when there is a lot of nectar in the hive, the hygienic behavior of the animals is also stimulated, which clean and free the cells. On the contrary, the absence of harvest leads to more easily keeping contaminated material in the hive. A good beekeeper constantly monitors the status of his bees and interacts by providing them with everything they need.

Attention to the needs of the swarm

It is therefore important that beekeepers never lack the right nourishment to bees and that they always keep them at their full strength. For this reason, it is also essential to choose a good location of the hives that provides a rich and constant diet. Pollen sources of various species in the vicinity are an excellent prerogative. A good location must also have a healthy climate without excessive temperature changes or humidity. Another important factor is the presence of unpolluted water sources, to cool the hive in summer and to keep the bees at their best.

The most delicate part, however, is contained in understanding the margins of intervention within the farm. In beekeeping it is important that the beekeeper works in symbiosis with his bees. The right balance of interaction lies in knowing well the moments in which to intervene and those in which to let the natural continuation of things flow. In fact, the activity of a breeder must not be a source of disruption for the animals. In fact, in some cases it happens that the beekeeper's activity must be limited in order not to hinder some biological processes of the bees. The typical representative is for example the introduction of a new queen in the swarm which requires a few days of separation to ensure that the acceptance takes place in the correct way and that the queen bee is integrated into the group without déranger.

There are other cases as well as the mating of the queen in which the breeder lets the swarm continue according to its natural rhythms without intervening. Processes that occur naturally and not artificially always guarantee better prospects in production results.

Normatives and obligations

Every beekeeping activity must obviously comply with the regulations of the sector. Good apiary farming practices (BPA) consist in a correct management of the hives owned, guaranteeing the health of the bees and at the same time, also allowing to obtain quality hive products, respecting health of the consumer. The use of professional equipment complying with the rules in force is essential for any activity of this type.

Are you a beekeeper? Buy queen bees online

If you own a farm and need to buy queen bees online , our advice is to always rely on trusted producers. Apicoltura Laterza deals with the production of virgin queen bees and fertile queen bees of Buckfast breed and Ligustica breed but also of noyaux and swarms and beekeeping material. The quality of our products is inimitable. We provide a health certificate with each order that certifies the excellent health of our bees. As good beekeepers as we are, we are committed to shipping our bees only through professional methods. The transport takes place in particular vehicles with refrigerated cells that maintain an optimal temperature for the well-being of the bees and that guarantee the delivery of the animals in full force, minimizing the stress due to travel.

To buy online just visit the appropriate section Queen Bees or select the category you are interested in. You can then add the product you are interested in and the period of receipt to the cart, and finally complete the order. Buying with Apicoltura Laterza is simple! We are available to provide telephone support for all your requests or doubts.

Do you want to buy? Visit now the page of Availability in real time and order your bees immediately, if instead you need more information, contact us !

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