What are bee cores

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In this article we will go into the concept of "core" in the beekeeping sector. You will often have read the phrase "bee nucleus sale" or "bee package sale" without perhaps understanding the difference.

How hives work

The hive is the artificial shelter where the colony of domestic bees lives, mainly Apis mellifera, and where, as in the natural structure of the hive, it builds the honeycomb. 

The termne arnia refers to a box, typically made of wood and built by the breeder, where the bees organize their colony, while the hive is more often used for natural structures, while remaining synonymous with the beehive. A hive is sometimes used as a term for a swarm that lives inside the hive.

The bee colonies in the hive can contain more than 90,000 individuals consisting of three castes: the queen bee, the drones and the worker bees. The bees that normally meet are workers specialized in foraging and usually constitute the largest part of the colony. 

A group of hives placed on the ground by a beekeeper is called an apiary. 

Furniture frames or frames:

Honey bees form their own colonies in their own way, different from other social insects, such as hornets, ants, termites. To form a new group, the oldest queen bee leaves the hive, taking with it a fair number of workers and leaving the younger queen in charge of what remains of the original colony. This process is called swarming and swarming the new bee group with the old queen. The swarm should not be confused with a group of bees that can be found inside any container, which we will call rustic hive.

Cores bees: what are they for

When we talk about nuclei we are referring to the formation of new colonies by man in such a way as to be able to increase the number of bees and therefore double a swarm. 

More specifically, within a nucleus there are always specific elements that allow the creation of new colonies. 

In practice, a nucleus represents a new colony of bees which, when fully developed, inside is composed of three honeycombs with brood of different ages, two honeycombs with food reserves (honey and pollen), a queen of the year of formation of the nucleus. As already said, a nucleus must allow the formation of new colonies and to allow all this there is also a quantity of worker bees such as to completely cover all the five honeycombs on both faces.

The honeycombs are nothing more than the cells built by the bees themselves for the creation of storage compartments for honey and pollen.

Wooden frames are also present and included in the nuclei of bees.

The Packs of Bees

If you are wondering what the difference is between packs and cores you need to know that: Bee packs are naked swarms, therefore without frames, artificially created. The most frequent sales format is the 1.5 kg one, which can contain about 15,000 young worker bees, plus a possible queen, but there is also a 1 kg one.

Buy API cores online

Do you need to buy bee cores? Do it in a few clicks!

With Apicoltura Laterza you can buy your core directly online. 

The cores are usually sold in the spring period (March-April depending on the climatic conditions of the area), but they can also be prepared in different periods:

  • in the spring itself (spring nuclei)
  • in the previous summer (wintering summer camps).

As far as quantities are concerned, in the sale of Cores, the minimum order quantity is 5 units for a maximum of 180 cores.

Shipping nuclei of bees

Speaking of shipments and deliveries, Apicoltura Laterza takes care of every detail to ensure the arrival of a healthy and intact product. 

We are very careful in the shipment and transport of our bees, our trucks are suitable and exclusive for this type of shipment.

Every means of transport we use has a refrigeration and ventilation system to ensure that the bees stay vital, young and healthy.

We assure you that even after transport our bees will be in full energy. 

State of health certification

When a product is shipped to you, Apicoltura Laterza also provides you with a health certificate from the European TRACES community.

Apicoltura Laterza declares and certifies that its apiaries are free from Aethina tumida.

We therefore guarantee you the excellent health of our bees and consequently the good quality of each of our products. 

Collection at our office

When you buy one of our products, our advice is to collect the goods directly from the company. It is a much more direct delivery method that allows you to approach correctly with your bees. By visiting our company we will also be able to follow you and train you on how to insert the cores in the right way and on how to proceed later. We will also be available to guide and advise you on any question or doubt.

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Contact us! We will be happy to answer any questions and clarify any doubts.

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