The Aethina Tumida is a beetle of the Nitidulidae family that infests the hives of the Apis mellifera colonies. This beetle can cause damage to honeycombs and decrease in honey and pollen production, can lead to the loss of the entire bee family.
The larva of Aethina Tumida, exotic in the European Union, digs tunnels in honeycombs in the which nestles, sleeps and feeds, causing the bee family to swarm.
The infestation is worrying, so after the National Reference Center for Beekeeping confirmed the cases of Aethina tumida, together with the Ministry of Health has issued provisions for the treatment of the infestation.
Apicoltura Laterza declares and certifies that its apiaries are free from Aethina tumida.
- Each shipment is accompanied by a health certificate from the European Community (TRACES)
- The last case of Aethina tumida dates back to the Calabria region (400 km from us) some time ago. We have no apiaries in those infested areas.
- In all our apiaries there are also traps for prevention and monitoring of Aethina tumida.
- We receive regular health checks with a NEGATIVE outcome.
- We are professional beekeepers , we have no reason to hide the truth.

For more information on aethina tumida, refer to the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of the Venezie (IZSVe), a public-law health institution that carries out prevention, research and services in the areas of animal health and food safety. Below is the direct link to always be informed about the epidemiological situation of aethina tumida in Italy:
- https://www.izsvenezie.it/aethina-tumida-in-italia/
To learn more about current national, international and regional regulations regarding bee diseases and beekeeping, please refer to this link: