Carnica Queen Bees
Suitable for the production of honey and pollen.
AVAILABILITY: From mid-March to June;
SHIPPING: We carry out Express shipments throughout Europe. Shipping takes place by courier:
SDA, TNT, NEVIXE, DHL, UPS Express. We offer the possibility to pay cash on delivery (not valid for abroad) or advance bank transfer. We provide shipment tracking code, sent automatically by SMS and email.
SHIPPING DAYS: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the periods indicated, selectable at the time of order

WhatsApp: +39 333 2189715

Call Center: +39 099 9647729

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Our fertile Carnic queen bees are not artificially fertilized.
You can select the period when ordering.
Our experience goes from 35 years of passion for fertile Carnic queen bees and for all other types of bees.
Our selection is carried out following very specific parameters:
- in spring they evolve with explosiveness
- good collection
- very populous colonies
- they are relatively mild
- moderate swarming
- honeycomb sealing
- they quickly build honeycombs
- low production of propolis
Characteristics of the Carnic fertile queen bees
In the wide beekeeping landscape that any beekeeper is facing in the current reality, each queen bee farmer is called to take on the responsibility of operating with the aim of maintaining the highest level of biodiversity possible. It is also necessary to consider how Italy belongs to the list of those countries which, in 1992, decided to sign the Convention on Biological Diversity presented in Rio. And the signature at the bottom of the document has drawn attention to the need to engage in the breeding of autochthonous breeds of the territory in which they operate. Biodiversity means high genetic variability and the latter, in turn, makes it possible to circumvent any future problems linked, for example, to changing environmental conditions, or to the reappearance of some typical pathologies of the hive. In this context, the Carnic queen bees represent a splendid reality.
Origins and diffusion
The area of origin of these bees is close to Italy both in terms of climate and morphology. Among the main characteristics of the Carnic bee, the resistance to winter temperatures stands out; this even when the season tends to present particularly rigid temperatures. The Carnic bee (or Apis mellifera carnica) represents a species of honey bee that lives in the Western European states. Its name is linked to the area of origin even if, in reality, the origin is twofold: on the one hand, Carniola, in central Slovenia; on the other, the region of Kranjska, in Slovenia. It then spread to Austria, Bosnia, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Hungary. It was the intervention of man that allowed it to spread also in Canada, South America and the United States. Today the breed has reached a certain popularity among beekeepers, so much so that it competes by preference with the common Italian bee. For about 7 decades, Carnica has been the object of selection in Germany and Austria, and it was this that brought improvements both in terms of production and in terms of docility, resistance to disease and a reduced propensity to swarming. In the course of the 80's we have seen the appearance of the Varroa Destructor ; an event that had a highly negative impact on the health of the fertile Carnic queen bees, jeopardizing their survival. Fortunately, during the last decade a work of selection of queens has begun, which has rewarded those able to stand out for their resistance to varroa.
Rusticity and adaptability
Rusticity is another fundamental characteristic, and highlights how this breed is the result of a balanced development according to the environmental conditions. At the same time it is synonymous with greater longevity, and a reduced consumption of stocks. This last aspect results in a lower susceptibility to food stress phenomena. Another peculiarity is the ability to react promptly to sudden changes in climatic conditions; an event that is anything but rare in recent seasons. Although linked to environmental conditions, the ability to adapt allows bees to have an adequate level of stocks throughout the year. Resistance to diseases, such as nosema, virosis and other brood diseases, also deserves to be emphasized. Another quality is meekness, excellent for simplifying the work done by the beekeeper.
Periods of fecundity
While the development in spring is really relevant, the evolution during the summer season is largely determined by the sources of nectar and pollen. It is, in fact, a particularly flexible breed in terms of colony size. Nectar and pollen in abundance favor the presence of a large number of bees. It is in the winter months, however, that the colonies have far fewer members; as a consequence, there is a reduction in the consumption of stocks. It is no coincidence that egg laying grows in periods when blooms are abundant, rapidly reducing in moments characterized by low quantities of nectar.
Morphology and other characteristics of Carnic fertile queen bees
In size, the Carniolan bee doesn't differ much from the Ligustica bee. To make it recognizable are the dark brown gray color and the lines only slightly lighter. Furthermore, the ligule appears decidedly long, even reaching 6.7. And this length does nothing but allow the bees to collect the nectar without any difficulty. There are those who argue that the Carnic bee represents the race that, more than any other, is used to swarming. In fact, this feature has faded considerably in recent decades. This is why today respectable harvests are guaranteed even in difficult conditions. Choosing the queen bees of Carnic origin, both for those who practice beekeeping as a hobby and for professionals in the field, means standing out with a more sustainable and healthier form of beekeeping. The open mother Carnian queens are 3-year-old bees characterized by phenotypic characteristics beyond the ordinary. These queens, fertilized in purity at great heights, have a great longevity: surviving until the 4th year they can take on the role of mothers for a season.
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